What is IndexBox?
IndexBox is a market intelligence platform that provides access to accurate market data, tools, and analytics for businesses of all sizes. It offers a vast array of features, including data cross-checking, predictive modeling, and data visualization, to help companies make informed decisions.
Features of IndexBox
- Data cross-checking: IndexBox's algorithms use multiple information sources for cross-checking and validation to ensure high data integrity.
- Predictive modeling: The platform's machine learning models train on billions of data points to forecast market growth, demand, and prices.
- Data visualization: IndexBox provides interactive dashboards and reports to help users visualize and analyze market data.
- Global scale: The platform offers worldwide coverage and a local approach, with daily updates from official sources around the world.
How to use IndexBox
- Start a free trial or book a demo to explore the platform's features and benefits.
- Choose a pricing plan that suits your business needs, with options for premium, business, and enterprise subscriptions.
- Access a vast library of reports, dashboards, and datasets on the IndexBox Platform.
Premium Subscription
- $500/month (billed annually at $4,200)
- 1 user
- Full online access
- Download files for credits
- Online training sessions
- Access to companies lead data
- API access (up to 10,000 calls per month)
Business Subscription
- $700/month (billed annually at $5,880)
- 1 user
- Full online access
- Download 30 files/month
- Online training sessions
- Access to companies lead data (100 companies per month)
- API access (up to 10,000 calls per month)
Enterprise Subscription
- $800/month (billed annually at $6,720)
- 3 users
- Full online access
- Download 90 files/month
- Online training sessions
- Access to companies lead data (300 companies per month)
- API access (up to 100,000 calls per month)
Helpful Tips
- Take advantage of the free trial to explore the platform's features and benefits.
- Choose a pricing plan that suits your business needs and budget.
- Utilize the online training sessions to get the most out of the platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between the premium, business, and enterprise subscriptions?
- How do I access the online training sessions?
- Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
- How do I get access to companies lead data?
- What is the API access limit for each subscription plan?